Saturday, September 1, 2012

Emery Chase is 2 months old!


I guess I am a once a month blogger now… not what I want to be but that’s just what life has made of me… I will get better pinky promise!

At 2 months Emery is a whoppin 11pounds and 1 ounce! she is in the 25th percentile for height and weight. She is eating 4 ounces every 3 hours except at night she USUALY not always but most days skips one bottle so she will go about 6 hours between bottle ….that my friend is a blessing! sleeping for 5 hours at a time does this girl a ton of good! Her rash on her face has gotten a ton better, now we have cradle cap which I can deal with much easier than that awful rash on her face. Emery is a very social girl already! She loves it when we talk to her she smiles and coos…that melts a mommies heart! She is still staying at home with friends and family until October which means she will be super duper spoiled when she  goes to school….oops!

Nate is having a little trouble adjusting to all the changes in life lately but I know this too shall pass, I just hope it passes quickly! It all started a few weeks ago when he was still at his old school so it actually has been a while now but he got on the red light which he had never done before we talked to him and he did much better.That was followed by acting out in Sunday school and getting in trouble. More recent he has had some rough days at school. He got  a bad note sent home for the first time ever which made me cringe! He was “punching his friends in the face” “pushing/shoving” and being ugly to his teacher.  Before that he was having trouble keeping his pants dry at school…..sigh  And on top of that he moved up to the Cubbies class Sunday night church and the first day of that he wasn’t so good either he wasn’t staying in his seat and following directions and yet again he was hitting his friends…. so what to do? We spank, we talk to him, we have done timeout and we just recently started taking things away until he is better.

I know he has had a lot of changes lately and I am sure he is just trying to figure out this crazy thing we call life! At home…well the obvious he has a new sister and is learning to share Mom and Dad and their time! I am sure this is enough change to make a 3 year old act out …but on top of that He changed schools August 20th. He is now going to preschool at our  church so he has all new friends and teachers and a new schedule but that’s not it!  Aug 19th was promotional Sunday at church so this means he moved to a new class room for Sunday school and night church. With the same friends and some of the same teachers … so I am just hoping he will adjust and settle in quickly!

But guess what….

nate roll tide

He is still cute as ever!

oh and its game day, ROLL TIDE!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Emery Chase is 1 month old!


I can not even believe my baby is ONE MONTH old! What how? I cant believe its time to take her first month to month picture! These little stickers are so cute you just put a white onesie on the baby and put the sticker on and wha-la!! I remember when I ordered these Shane and I were on the way to NOLA for the national championship game and I was board so I took a look at Etsy and found them. I thought they were pretty gender neutral at the time but now that I look at them they are a little more on the girl side! But anyway I think they are presh!


At one month  Emery is eating 3 oz every 3 hours. She is a very easy baby, she only cries if she is hungry, dirty or sleepy. Emery likes to be held! and I take full responsibility for that, I know that we wont have another new born around here for a few years so I am soaking it in! Emery sleeps in her Nap Nanny which she loves! at night she sleeps from 6:30-9:30 and is up until 12:30 which then she goes back to sleep until 4:30 and Nate gets up at 6:30.. so a little sleep deprived we are but would not trade it for anything!! I am still pumping so she is a breast milk fed baby for now. Emery weighted 8.5 at her 2 weeks checkup. She has Erythema Toxicum… which is just a rash on her face that there is no treatment for but it looks awful! the Dr.s said it would bother me more than it does her so we are just waiting it out for now, it should be cleared up by 4 months…. hopefully before.

I have gone back to work (BOOO HOOO) and she is staying at home with family and friends! She doesn’t seem to mind that either. She can start daycare at 3 months so we will be tossing her around until October!

I guess that’s all the updates I have on her now on to Nate.. he LOVES her! He is such a great big brother and  wants everyone to see his baby. The only issue we are having is… well his behavior when we are not around like at school and church nursery. He got in trouble at church a few Sundays ago for snatching and pitching a fit at the teacher when she tried to tell him what to do… of course I was mortified when the director came up to us and told us he had a bad day…We went home and talked it over and felt pretty good that he understood that’s not how we act, Well maybe he forgot but Monday(the very next day) he got on the…are you ready for this…. RED LIGHT at school! I didn’t even know they had lights and here he is getting a UH O! note home about being on the red light… broke my heart, upset my feelings, and tested my patients all at the same time! That day he was pushing and hit a kid in the face…devastated I was! I do not want him treating others ugly and I don’t want him to be THAT kid…. you know that the teachers think is awful! so we had a nice talk and maybe a spanking or two and he has been a lot better so praying he keeps up the good attitude!


Friday, July 6, 2012

My how fast things change!

We welcomed out sweet baby girl into this world 9 days ago! She came into this world beautiful as she could be  and she didn’t wait around either this girl came on out! She was born at 11:55 am  after only pushing for about 25 minutes! When her brother was born I pushed for 2.5 hours and he wasn’t born until 5:41 pm! I had 2 very different pregnancy's and 2 very different deliveries! Strange huh?!  and now you are thinking what does the title have to do with this… nothing ha but hey I can ramble I have a new born !

When I went to pick Nate up from school on Tuesday he  was so excited to see me, the feeling was mutual UNTIL… in front of everyone he says “mom you have a baby in your belly?” I smiled and said “ no remember she came out, she is waiting on you in the car with dad” and he looks confused and POINTS at my belly and says” OH that’s just food?” … mortified I was! Now keep in mind this was 6 days post deliver… I WAS feeling good about my self I mean I had showered and was out and about… but obviously I wasn’t as awesome looking as I felt HA! Then I realized things have changed.. Isn't it weird that when you get pregnant or when I do anyway I cant wait to stop sucking in (HA) and I cant wait for people to notice my “belly bump” and now after delivery I am trying to find anything to wear that makes me look skinny another HA! and just HOPE no one asks when I am due! well leave it to my 3 year old to point out the obvious! ha! I love him anyway!

So there is you a laugh for the day!

ANNNNND because NO post is complete with out a picture…


Monday, July 2, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

36 weeks down 20 days to go…..

Remember this…. 13 weeks


Now take a peak at this….what a difference 23 weeks makes!

36 weeks

Now maybe you are looking at the title of tonight's post and thinking… ok 36 weeks down 20 days to go does not make 40 weeks and how can she be so sure… Well let me start by saying I didn’t ask for your opinion on being induced… ok So how I can be so sure is I have the most awesome Dr. on earth and he has set my induction for June 27th……… yea I hear you thinking oh my gosh she is a month away and has an induction set in the books, that’s not a good idea, that’s not letting nature take its course blah blah blah! But my Dr. rocks and that’s how we roll!  I was induced at 39 weeks with Nate and we decided that would be the route we take again… of course if bambino wants to come on its on before then that’s fine with this momma!

So I went last Monday for my check up and I am half a cm dilated… sounds like nothing to me but whatever I am just along for the ride, baby was head down and heart rate was 145! I am now going to the doc every week!  I can not wait to call this baby by its name and stop calling it IT! ha

We have finished the nursery for now here is your peak at it


I loved how it turned out!

We are ready for our new family member to arrive! I have defiantly seen some changes in Nate's behavior which I am hoping wont last long, I know he doesn’t understand why I cant pick him up or get in the floor with him like I have in the past. I am praying for him daily I am sure he is going to do fine I just  don’t want him to feel left out or unloved … sounds dumb when I type it but for real yall I just want him to adjust quick and love his sibling! so feel free to pray for  him too! This weekend he is going to spend some time on the farm at Uma and Mypops while Shane and I finish getting everything settled before the BIRTHday!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Our new ride


Last night I put this together all by my self!! I bought this at dirt cheap last JUNE… so yea maybe I jumped the gun but in the long run it saved us some moola! I paid $130 for the Chicco key fit travel system that retails for  $270+tax! Everything was in the box and nothing was damaged!! Whoop whoop reason 10000000 why I love dirt cheap!!

What a big girl I am!  Well not for putting it together but literally I am a big girl… I am 5 lbs. away from the weight I was when I delivered Nate…. ouch!(I did start off heavier this time if that counts?!) 9 weeks left I think I will pass it. Oh well what is a girl to do? EAT!! I am loving to eat these days.

We are getting ready to go to the beach for a week and I cant wait. We are going to enjoy our last family vacation as the  3 of us. Crazy to think next time I see the beach after we get back I will be a mother of 2… when did I grow up?!or did I ?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

28 week baby check up

Monday was my 28 week check up which is also when I took my one hour glucose test. I was not expecting to pass it I didn’t with Nate and I don’t know many people that do so ye of little faith here had made up my mind that why would this time be any different?! …Well to my surprise I PASSED.. like really passed my sugar was 110 and had to be 135 or under WOOO WHOOO GO  ME GO ME.. I thought about hugging the nurse but trust me she would NOT have appreciated it… which by the way if you hate your job or people in general here is an idea quit or get a job where you don’t have to deal with the public, and really if I didn’t like dealing with people on a daily basis then  the OBGYN would probably be a last resort job just saying.  Anywho that little nurse wasn’t going to get me down! When she checked my iron it was 1 point low so I am now taking a iron pill once a day and that should do the trick… oh just a little fyi I learned after I got home and googled low iron in pregnancy… did you know ONE adult dosage can be fatal to a child… which absolutely freaked my freak one because Nate is here and if he gets a hold of them I would freak and two if one adult dosage is so bad for a child why is it good for me to take it when I have a baby inside of me that supposedly “gets everything I eat”…humm just a random mommy thought for you!

After the Dr. check up Brooke and I had lunch at City CafĂ©... it was delish if I do say so myself! And of course ran to baby bundles because that’s always a must if I am down town. I love that store If I was just rich right?! but I did find a gender neutral gown that I had to have it is so sweet and soft! 

O guess that’s all of my post today, a friend from church is having her baby this afternoon and I am super excited to snuggle a newborn!! cant wait to meet baby Cooper!!

Here is a picture from Easter I have not done so well on weekly or even monthly belly pics so this will have to do even though you cant really tell how big my tummy is!


Oh and this mama wants a new pair of shoes…how cute are these???!


that’s all of my random thoughts! thanks for hanging on till the end of this crazy boring post! toodles

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter!

One day when Heaven was filled with His praises
One day when sin was as black as could be
Jesus came forth to be born of a Virgin
Dwelt among men, my example is He
Word became flesh and the light shined among us
His glory revealed
Living He loved me, dying He saved me
And buried He carried my sins far away
Rising He justified freely forever
One day He's coming, oh, glorious day, oh, glorious day
One day they led Him up Calvary's mountain
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He
Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree
And took the nails for me
'Cause living He loved me, dying He saved me
And buried He carried my sins far away
Rising He justified freely forever
One day He's coming, oh, glorious day, oh, glorious day

Hope everyone has a great Easter! celebrating our savior!!!

easter 2012

easterbunny 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The second time around

I feel like this pregnancy has gone by so fast. I feel like I have enjoyed it but I haven't slowed down enough to actually remember it. I am afraid after I have the baby I will not remember it at all…kind of like when you are going somewhere and you are there before you even realize you are…. you know you are so distracted as you drive yourself there you wonder if you stopped at all the stop signs…that’s how I am feeling lately. At this point with Nate I had his room all done his baby book started and knowing me his bag packed! Ha I mean I do have 92 days until my due date so I have plenty of time I just am not where I thought I would be at this point. I have always heard you will be more laid back with your second you realize a baby doesn’t have to have all that…. and my thinking was oh yea NOT ME I will never be like that…well you know what they say NEVER SAY NEVER!

As you all know  another thing we did different this time was not find out the sex of the baby. What a GREAT not so great idea I am thinking at this point. No really I am excited about the actual BIRTHday but sometimes I just want to know! I am a girl and I would love to go shopping but I also think it is going to be so exciting the day the baby is born. I go back and forth from what I think it is… I usually think boy but I do not have a feeling like I did with Nate. It is mostly a guess…It seems like 90% of people tell me they think or know(ha-ha come on people you don’t know) it’s a girl and then I have my mother…she says it’s a boy and she isn't budging. she says she KNOWS it’s a boy…well moms usually do know everything but I just don’t see how she KNOWS unless she was in the ultrasound room and I didn’t see her…which I guess is possible they do keep it dark in there and I didn’t check the corners… Anyway  whatever this baby is I know it is what God planned for us to have and I cant wait to hold this baby I love so much already and know nothing about… I hate the fact I cant call it by its name…so for now it is just an it I guess! here is a little picture of what you will see IT wearing the the hospital. Yes I know one of them will not get worn and will be garbage but who cares! Oh and if you didn’t know what we were naming it now you do!


Brooke I hope I got it update before naptime Smile

Monday, March 26, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Nathan Connor Martin

What a fun day! this time 3 years ago I had a 4 hour old baby boy! I can remember it like it was today! all the memories made that day are so special! Today was just as special just in different way. I have heard so many stories lately about sick babies and toddlers that have had surgery or birth complications and it reminds me just how blessed we are! I don’t want to take any of his precious life for granted and I am thankful for another healthy birthday!! Here are a few pictures to document today!! Starting with breakfast! one thing I didn’t get a picture of was the car wash… let me explain! every time we get breakfast at McDonalds he always asks to got thru the new car was that was built beside it. So today I took him thru and he loved it!!…


This is Nate before we left this morning trying to hold up “3” and below is his “bis ic” from “ol mc donalds”


These are pictures from Nate's day at school IMG_0150IMG_0151



His class picture take 1,2 and 3~ notice his goofiness in pic 2!


Picnic supper after school waiting on dad to get home!IMG_0171IMG_0172IMG_0173IMG_0174IMG_0175 

AND the last pictures of the post! Nate's new ride from mom and dad


Nate Martin Mom and Dad love you to the moon and back and back! We are so blessed to be chosen as your parents! I hope today was as special as you are and I cant wait to celebrate with friends and family Saturday!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Here is a little peak at a  baby that was born March 26th 2009 at 5:41 pm, weighing in at 7lbs 6ounces 20.5inches.( now weighting 32lbs) I can not believe my baby boy will be 3 next Monday! Where has the time gone? As I think back I remember holding him for the very first time, he sneezed twice as soon as I got him in my arms.. I thought GREAT he is allergic to me … but after that he was fine. I kissed his tiny cold nose and that is still my most favorite Nate sugar spot! He has grown so much in 3 years I cant even believe it!  I fall more in love with him every day as he is growing and learning. I remember thinking will this child ever sleep through the night?  8 weeks he went to his crib and started sleeping through the night.. I didn’t realize that’s fairly early. Then I remember him rolling over for the first time you would have thought he won a Olympic medal… if you asked me or his dad! Walking oh walking I thought for sure he wouldn’t walk until he was 5 but one week after his first birthday he took off and hasn’t stopped running since! He has been potty trained for about 2 months now and it is GLORIOUS!!

nate 3yr

Nathan Connor Martin is a fun loving, smart, handsome, full of life jokester with a side of everything goes in its place and is done a certain way kind of boy! We have been so  blessed to be chosen as his parents! I cant wait to see what he will grow up “to be” although he will always be my baby!! We love you Nate Martin!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sisterly Love


Tomorrow is NATEDAY! I always love Nateday but I really love it when my sister and nephew join in on the fun! We never once have had enough time in a day to do everything that we need to get done. When I say that keep in mind we don’t really every plan our day we just do what we wanna but time just goes by too quick!  The one stop we never seem to miss is TARGET! Which I have to admit is one of my most favorite places to shop! So that would explain the photo in the post!

On another note I had my 24 week checkup Monday and everything was great! I didn’t gain any weight the past 4 weeks (yahooooo go me go me go me) my bp was 118/76 almost PERFECT!  baby heart rate was 145 and my tummy is measuring “right on the money”- in my Dr’s words hehe. I will go back in 4 weeks for my glucose test. I am not really excited about it but not dreading it either. I failed my first glucose  test with Nate but passed the 3 hr. one by a lot! So I am actually prepared to fail to first one as long as I pass the second I am a-okay with that! I can not believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by! I cant wait for the day the baby is born so we can finally call it a He (which is my guess) or a She( Shane and Nate’s guess). I cant wait to hold and snuggle this sweet bundle of JOY!  I feel so blessed to have a healthy pregnancy this far praying we keep it up!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the blog blahs

I have needed to update the blog for a few days but have neglected to do so. I decided I better do it before it is brought to my attention ah hem Brooke! So here goes…

I got my baby crib in and LOVE it!! I have n0t taken a picture of it in the room yet to post because the room is a far cry from done so I will wait until its done to do a nursery reveal. Also my sweet husband with the help of our sweet friends painted the nursery when he had a long weekend! I am so glad it is finished that was the most dreadful part!

I am still searching for the most perfect piece for a changing table here are a few things I like so if I can find something similar I will be happy!




Yes I know those are all so different but   I like them all!


THAT is my favorite! ahhh beautiful!  as for bedding,… well maybe I wont use crib bedding HA! I actually bought some that I plan to take back, which I did the same  thing with Nate so I am not surprised!  But I got it home and its just too boyish! I need something more neutral…which by the way if you are thinking of not finding out what you are having until delivery date…well think long a hard because this is the craziest mind game I have ever played with myself.  Not to mention it would just be easier to know. So I hope waiting pays off the day the baby is born I hope it is as exciting as everyone says because right now frankly I am over it!  Here is the bedding that is going back and I know there are fish above the bed but it really didn’t look so boyish in the store…



This week we have a sweet sweet boy around while his parents are on a trip. I  have not had time to take pictures of the things we did today so I just took this crapy one with the computer, by the time we leave that will be a whole blog post I am sure!


oh just a quick baby update I am 22 weeks now the baby is 11inches and about a pound! time is going so quickly! I have 126 days to go until due date that is…eeek that’s not long when I have wedding showers, beach trips, girls trips weddings, birthday parties etc.. between now and then! 

Have a good week my friends!

“I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands."  Psalm 63:4