Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The second time around

I feel like this pregnancy has gone by so fast. I feel like I have enjoyed it but I haven't slowed down enough to actually remember it. I am afraid after I have the baby I will not remember it at all…kind of like when you are going somewhere and you are there before you even realize you are…. you know you are so distracted as you drive yourself there you wonder if you stopped at all the stop signs…that’s how I am feeling lately. At this point with Nate I had his room all done his baby book started and knowing me his bag packed! Ha I mean I do have 92 days until my due date so I have plenty of time I just am not where I thought I would be at this point. I have always heard you will be more laid back with your second you realize a baby doesn’t have to have all that…. and my thinking was oh yea NOT ME I will never be like that…well you know what they say NEVER SAY NEVER!

As you all know  another thing we did different this time was not find out the sex of the baby. What a GREAT not so great idea I am thinking at this point. No really I am excited about the actual BIRTHday but sometimes I just want to know! I am a girl and I would love to go shopping but I also think it is going to be so exciting the day the baby is born. I go back and forth from what I think it is… I usually think boy but I do not have a feeling like I did with Nate. It is mostly a guess…It seems like 90% of people tell me they think or know(ha-ha come on people you don’t know) it’s a girl and then I have my mother…she says it’s a boy and she isn't budging. she says she KNOWS it’s a boy…well moms usually do know everything but I just don’t see how she KNOWS unless she was in the ultrasound room and I didn’t see her…which I guess is possible they do keep it dark in there and I didn’t check the corners… Anyway  whatever this baby is I know it is what God planned for us to have and I cant wait to hold this baby I love so much already and know nothing about… I hate the fact I cant call it by its name…so for now it is just an it I guess! here is a little picture of what you will see IT wearing the the hospital. Yes I know one of them will not get worn and will be garbage but who cares! Oh and if you didn’t know what we were naming it now you do!


Brooke I hope I got it update before naptime Smile

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