Size of Baby: according to baby center my baby is almost 3 inches long the size of a medium shrimp and weighs nearly an ounce
Total Weight Gain/Loss: well probably a lot since we just had Christmas and I ate for 3 days straight. I will know on Dec 12th
Maternity Clothes: one pair of jeans that I got from Belk and I love them! they even have cute butt if I need to draw attention there :/
Gender: We don’t get to pick! We are not going to find out until he/she arrives! We are working on picking out a name for a boy and a girl and man that’s hard!
Belly Button In/Out: Still in
Stretch Marks: yeap…but they are leftovers
Movement: tiny flutters … not often I am ready for some bigger kicks!
Sleep: good until I have to potty!
What I miss: DIET MT DEW!!!
What I am looking forward to: a new year! 2011 wasn’t bad but after all this is the year our family becomes 4!!
Cravings/Aversions: strange as it may be I REALLY want some fried shrimp with lots of lemon juice squeezed on it!
Symptoms: Tired, Hungry, NAUSEAS and VERY MOOODY, BUT I think the nauseas-ness is getting better fingers crossed.
Best Moment This Week: spending time with my family! God has blessed me with a husband that I know he created just for me, not only that but a sweet baby boy that couldn’t make us more proud to be his parents! I am trying to soak up my family as 3 before new baby becomes because to be honest I cant remember much of what we did with our time before Nate came along and I REALLY want to remember Nate’s only child time!
Oh and I may start belly pictures soon