Monday, March 26, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Nathan Connor Martin

What a fun day! this time 3 years ago I had a 4 hour old baby boy! I can remember it like it was today! all the memories made that day are so special! Today was just as special just in different way. I have heard so many stories lately about sick babies and toddlers that have had surgery or birth complications and it reminds me just how blessed we are! I don’t want to take any of his precious life for granted and I am thankful for another healthy birthday!! Here are a few pictures to document today!! Starting with breakfast! one thing I didn’t get a picture of was the car wash… let me explain! every time we get breakfast at McDonalds he always asks to got thru the new car was that was built beside it. So today I took him thru and he loved it!!…


This is Nate before we left this morning trying to hold up “3” and below is his “bis ic” from “ol mc donalds”


These are pictures from Nate's day at school IMG_0150IMG_0151



His class picture take 1,2 and 3~ notice his goofiness in pic 2!


Picnic supper after school waiting on dad to get home!IMG_0171IMG_0172IMG_0173IMG_0174IMG_0175 

AND the last pictures of the post! Nate's new ride from mom and dad


Nate Martin Mom and Dad love you to the moon and back and back! We are so blessed to be chosen as your parents! I hope today was as special as you are and I cant wait to celebrate with friends and family Saturday!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Here is a little peak at a  baby that was born March 26th 2009 at 5:41 pm, weighing in at 7lbs 6ounces 20.5inches.( now weighting 32lbs) I can not believe my baby boy will be 3 next Monday! Where has the time gone? As I think back I remember holding him for the very first time, he sneezed twice as soon as I got him in my arms.. I thought GREAT he is allergic to me … but after that he was fine. I kissed his tiny cold nose and that is still my most favorite Nate sugar spot! He has grown so much in 3 years I cant even believe it!  I fall more in love with him every day as he is growing and learning. I remember thinking will this child ever sleep through the night?  8 weeks he went to his crib and started sleeping through the night.. I didn’t realize that’s fairly early. Then I remember him rolling over for the first time you would have thought he won a Olympic medal… if you asked me or his dad! Walking oh walking I thought for sure he wouldn’t walk until he was 5 but one week after his first birthday he took off and hasn’t stopped running since! He has been potty trained for about 2 months now and it is GLORIOUS!!

nate 3yr

Nathan Connor Martin is a fun loving, smart, handsome, full of life jokester with a side of everything goes in its place and is done a certain way kind of boy! We have been so  blessed to be chosen as his parents! I cant wait to see what he will grow up “to be” although he will always be my baby!! We love you Nate Martin!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sisterly Love


Tomorrow is NATEDAY! I always love Nateday but I really love it when my sister and nephew join in on the fun! We never once have had enough time in a day to do everything that we need to get done. When I say that keep in mind we don’t really every plan our day we just do what we wanna but time just goes by too quick!  The one stop we never seem to miss is TARGET! Which I have to admit is one of my most favorite places to shop! So that would explain the photo in the post!

On another note I had my 24 week checkup Monday and everything was great! I didn’t gain any weight the past 4 weeks (yahooooo go me go me go me) my bp was 118/76 almost PERFECT!  baby heart rate was 145 and my tummy is measuring “right on the money”- in my Dr’s words hehe. I will go back in 4 weeks for my glucose test. I am not really excited about it but not dreading it either. I failed my first glucose  test with Nate but passed the 3 hr. one by a lot! So I am actually prepared to fail to first one as long as I pass the second I am a-okay with that! I can not believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by! I cant wait for the day the baby is born so we can finally call it a He (which is my guess) or a She( Shane and Nate’s guess). I cant wait to hold and snuggle this sweet bundle of JOY!  I feel so blessed to have a healthy pregnancy this far praying we keep it up!