When Uma and Mypop were here last they brought Nate an orange. I bet your like really a few weeks of no blogging and you start off with that! Well it gets better!! Uma began to tell Nate We are going to roll it and press it and smash –not too hard! Just enough to get the orange juices going then poke a hole insert a straw and drink the juice! Nate thought it was a fantastic idea! 1 because he loves straws and 2 because he liked playing with an orange like a ball! Nate loved it so much he cried when we had to throw it away after it was nothing but gross stuff inside.
That reminded me of the good ole’ days! I also remember having a picnic in the living room floor, fried chicken was usually on the menu. I remember when we were little the sound of a race on the t.v. seemed like ALL DAY LONG I mean really don’t those cars go fast what took so long? Spending hours on end at the ball field watching my older siblings play sports, If you know me you know I would much rather spend my time socializing and well eating from the “confession stand” as I called it when I was little oh speaking of that who remembers astro pops? I used to get those from the big green concession stand at the ball field when Bip would play baseball. Of course I wouldn’t eat the whole thing before I dropped it or Bip took it from me, but then again what are big brothers for right?!
Anyway this straw in the orange thing really brought to my attention the importance of making memories! I often worry about not being able to get Nate everything he ever wanted because I mean come on he is my first and only as of now so I don’t want him to want for anything but I know in reality one day he will. Reminiscing about the past really made me realize as long as he feels loved and is having fun in the long run “stuff” wont matter. The things I remember about my childhood are not really things at all. Of course I remember playing with my favorite toys but I don’t remember the toys I wanted and didn’t get which I am sure were many- to me at the time anyway. So from now on I am going to try my best to make memoires that can be passed on from Nate to his children.
One thing coming up is our annual gingerbread house making, We have always since I can remember gotten together in the month of November and Made gingerbread houses. When we were little we would go to the beach with my dads family for thanksgiving and we would make them there with all of my cousins, the adults would bake the gingerbread cut out the pattern put the houses together and we would decorate. Now things are a little more simple. Its just my Mom and her children mom buys the ginger bread house kits and what la .. off to work we go! This is more of a tradition than memories I guess but often memories are made from traditions and this is one I want to pass on… tired yet?
What are some of your favorite childhood memoires or traditions? are you starting new traditions? Something to think about out I just feel like “these days” too much importance is put on what “things” you have in your life who has more than you and how you can keep up with the Jones’ and not who you, have the memories being made and the love and friendships between us and others.
Well off to enjoy my Nateday here's to making memories!