Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Emery Chase is 1 month old!


I can not even believe my baby is ONE MONTH old! What how? I cant believe its time to take her first month to month picture! These little stickers are so cute you just put a white onesie on the baby and put the sticker on and wha-la!! I remember when I ordered these Shane and I were on the way to NOLA for the national championship game and I was board so I took a look at Etsy and found them. I thought they were pretty gender neutral at the time but now that I look at them they are a little more on the girl side! But anyway I think they are presh!


At one month  Emery is eating 3 oz every 3 hours. She is a very easy baby, she only cries if she is hungry, dirty or sleepy. Emery likes to be held! and I take full responsibility for that, I know that we wont have another new born around here for a few years so I am soaking it in! Emery sleeps in her Nap Nanny which she loves! at night she sleeps from 6:30-9:30 and is up until 12:30 which then she goes back to sleep until 4:30 and Nate gets up at 6:30.. so a little sleep deprived we are but would not trade it for anything!! I am still pumping so she is a breast milk fed baby for now. Emery weighted 8.5 at her 2 weeks checkup. She has Erythema Toxicum… which is just a rash on her face that there is no treatment for but it looks awful! the Dr.s said it would bother me more than it does her so we are just waiting it out for now, it should be cleared up by 4 months…. hopefully before.

I have gone back to work (BOOO HOOO) and she is staying at home with family and friends! She doesn’t seem to mind that either. She can start daycare at 3 months so we will be tossing her around until October!

I guess that’s all the updates I have on her now on to Nate.. he LOVES her! He is such a great big brother and  wants everyone to see his baby. The only issue we are having is… well his behavior when we are not around like at school and church nursery. He got in trouble at church a few Sundays ago for snatching and pitching a fit at the teacher when she tried to tell him what to do… of course I was mortified when the director came up to us and told us he had a bad day…We went home and talked it over and felt pretty good that he understood that’s not how we act, Well maybe he forgot but Monday(the very next day) he got on the…are you ready for this…. RED LIGHT at school! I didn’t even know they had lights and here he is getting a UH O! note home about being on the red light… broke my heart, upset my feelings, and tested my patients all at the same time! That day he was pushing and hit a kid in the face…devastated I was! I do not want him treating others ugly and I don’t want him to be THAT kid…. you know that the teachers think is awful! so we had a nice talk and maybe a spanking or two and he has been a lot better so praying he keeps up the good attitude!